If you get included in the blogging meme: copy/paste the questions and instructions into your own blog then fill out your own answers. Share on twitter tagging 5 friends. Make sure you send your answers back to whoever tagged you too.
1. How did you attend the #Edchatnz Conference? (Face 2 Face, followed online or didn’t)
Face 2 Face! I was determined to attend - I registered as soon as possible and was planning to be 'sick' if I didn't get permission from school (but they were nice).
2. How many others attended from your school or organisation?
Just one other - the wonderful Jeni Little (@chimaeratweet) who presented the SING! session on Saturday. I'll mention Sarah Rodgers (@themsrodgers) too, who was my amazing student teacher last term.
3. How many #Edchatnz challenges did you complete?
I completed two - can you tell I wasn't trying?
4. Who are 3 people that you connected with and what did you learn from them?
Steve Mouldey (@GeoMouldey) - I got to see Steve in action in his (and Danielle's (@MissDtheTeacher)) Apocalypse Now module. It was fantastic seeing some cross-curricular teaching in action and it really got me thinking about what I could do in class. We didn't really get to talk a lot, but connection made! I totally agree with Steve's emphasis on curiosity and creativity and I look forward to learning more from him in the future.
Connor Young (@TheSpyderGaming) - HPSS student Connor 'adopted' me during Steve and Danielle's Apocalypse Now module on Friday. All I can say is wow, what a perceptive young man! I grilled him about HPSS from a student perspective and I learned heaps about all the awesome things they do at HPSS. Now Steve, I do apologise for being a distraction, but in my defense, we did talk about why I thought it important to find out about HPSS from a student perspective and your lesson was all about different perspectives - so we were actually on topic.
Chhaya (@ChhayaNarayan) and Matt (@mattynicoll) - Great to meet up with some other chemists! We didn't get to talk much at all but I'm excited about the future and what we can learn from each other. Also, I'm totally amped for #scichatNZ!
Connor Young (@TheSpyderGaming) - HPSS student Connor 'adopted' me during Steve and Danielle's Apocalypse Now module on Friday. All I can say is wow, what a perceptive young man! I grilled him about HPSS from a student perspective and I learned heaps about all the awesome things they do at HPSS. Now Steve, I do apologise for being a distraction, but in my defense, we did talk about why I thought it important to find out about HPSS from a student perspective and your lesson was all about different perspectives - so we were actually on topic.
Chhaya (@ChhayaNarayan) and Matt (@mattynicoll) - Great to meet up with some other chemists! We didn't get to talk much at all but I'm excited about the future and what we can learn from each other. Also, I'm totally amped for #scichatNZ!
5. What session are you gutted that you missed?
From what I heard the political debate was awesome. So kind of gutted I missed that, but being in Apocalypse Now for all three hours was a far better learning experience for me.
6. Who is one person that you would like to have taken to Edchatnz and what key thing would they have learned?
Mike Cole - Asst. HOD Science at GBHS. I feel a little isolated in my department as the guy into all this innovative teaching and learning and that I'm always feeding back to them. I really want someone else to join me in being proactive and I think Mike would be a great start. I reckon he would have had his mind blown by what was going on at the conference.
Mike Cole - Asst. HOD Science at GBHS. I feel a little isolated in my department as the guy into all this innovative teaching and learning and that I'm always feeding back to them. I really want someone else to join me in being proactive and I think Mike would be a great start. I reckon he would have had his mind blown by what was going on at the conference.
7. Is there a person you didn’t get to meet/chat with (F2F/online) that you wished you had? Why?
Probably Alyx Gillett (@chasingalyx) - she was the first of the #edchatnz steering committee I followed on Twitter (doodle bars!). It would of been awesome to talk with Steve (@GeoMouldey), Chhaya (@ChhayaNarayan) and Matt (@mattynicoll) more but it was a hectic two days.
Probably Alyx Gillett (@chasingalyx) - she was the first of the #edchatnz steering committee I followed on Twitter (doodle bars!). It would of been awesome to talk with Steve (@GeoMouldey), Chhaya (@ChhayaNarayan) and Matt (@mattynicoll) more but it was a hectic two days.
8. What is the next book you are going to read and why?
Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess - because it's on Steve's reading list and because pirates are awesome!
9. What is one thing you plan to do to continue the Education Revolution you learnt about at #Edchatnz?
Spread the word; continue to learn, innovate, and drive change in my corner of the world; and share my successes and failures (when i have time).
10. Will you take a risk and hand your students a blank canvas?
Yeah, I've tried that... doesn't work for most students. I really need to learn/figure out what the minimum amount of structure is to get most students started.
Who do will I tag with this meme:
Who hasn't done one yet?
Who hasn't done one yet?